Discover Adventure

In a world where most riches are obtained with the tap of a finger, Weya is a unique travel game that promises forturne and glory for free to those who are bold enough to seek it out.


rediscover adventure

Locate hundreds of thousands of places of cultural and historical significance both abroad and in your own backyard


Fortune favors the bold. Be among the first to discover a Weya spot and claim a one-of-a-kind NFT treasure.

leave your mark

Plant a flag and leave behind an augmented reality token for all future adventurers to see.

car museum

Discover history in your own back yard and beyond!

Built on the Niantic Lab's Lightship AR platform, this global high adventure game allows users to explore and interact with hundreds of thousands of interesting historical and cultural locations all over the world. The compass will always show you the nearest Weya site. Follow the path towards a new adventure in your neighborhood! The different colored dots signify the popularity of each site. Visit a Weya site and claim unique treasures! Find all the hidden nuggets of history located in your own home town and beyond!

Fortune and Glory

Each Weya site is rich with history! Uncover the stories of the past and add an NFT stamp to your passport. Each stamp adds points to your score and swag to your stash. Earn enough points and you could be eligible for some cool travel perks like discounted rates on hotel rooms or rental cars.The best part? All these treasures are absolutely free to anyone who shows up in person to claim them!

"I had no idea that the Art Car Museum was so close to my home! What a fun way to spend a Saturday!"

  • Tony - Houston, TX
car museum

Leave nothing but footprints

Places like Seattle's Gum Wall and Paris's Love Bridge may be eye catching, but the waste they generate is unsafe, unsanitary, and causes damage to the beauty. Help preserve human history for those that come after us by leaving behind a digital footprint instead of a physical one.

Weya Been?

Show others where you've been and see who's come after you with the Weya Passport

do you have your passport?


Showcase your NFT collection and facts sheets about all the places you've discovered.


Prove yourself a elite level traveler by earning a speacial badge for themed travels.


Keep a gallery of the footprints you've left behind and share them with your friends on social media.


Access a carousel of the footprints left by all the adventurers who've come before and after you!

See How It Works

Click the play button to see how Weya can help you have the adventure of a lifetime.

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet.”

- Rachel Wolchin

Tony Bowler

Meet Tony Bowler

Hi! I'm Tony Bowler. I developed this app concept as a way to inspire people to get out of their homes and see the world around them. Everywhere we go, we're surrounded by history and culture that often gets overlooked amid the hustle of the daily grind. Weya offers a way to rediscover the spirit of adventure and exploration and share those experiences with people around the world.